Media and Communications Specialist | Communications Officer UMWAMamaFm.
Previously worked with:
-Freelanced with URN
-Volunteer with 40 Days over 40 Smiles
Did You Know?-Uganda has over 290 authorized radio stations and only seven of these are community broadcasters! Equally, the female listenership of radio is still low despite the medium easier accessibility and affordability. According to a 2019 Media Landscape Report of Uganda by BBC Media Action, there is only a 68.7% female listenership to radio […]
“Everyone in this room or listening outside it knows we are in a crisis of implementation, promotion and protection. And in crisis, we may be forgiven for considering the thought that these laws mean little in the face of the attacks on free expression that have increased in recent years.” says Mercy Munduru, Program Manager, Democratic Governance, ActionAid
During an interview on Mama FM while on the delegation visit, Flemming observed that Denmark is one of the developed countries that is deliberate on gender equality and human rights as a foundation for democracy. He added that subject to human rights, media is assessed as fundamental and hinge to fulfillment of other rights for all persons, as a knowledge and advocate ground.