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Women visibility increases by 4% in Ugandan Media-Study
The study also realized a gender selective reporting where there is a relationship between the sex of the reporter and the proportion of female and male news subjects appearing in print news stories. Female reporters covered more female news subjects and quoted more females in their stories as opposed to the male reporters. In equal measure, male journalists gave more audience to male sources but also within talk shows of purely male presentation, women suffered a low engagement under similar likelihood.
MAMA FM @20- A Glimpse of the Journey
As MAMA FM prepares to celebrate its longtime community service, a glimpse of the community radio manifestation is cordial to the journey yet achieved! “At the time of my joining in 2002 as a trainee, this Radio Mast wasn’t there, Mama FM would tap signal from the UBC radio national mast in Naguru. Everything you […]
Now that I know how powerful I can be in fighting injustices, I believe I am going to do better and make Uganda a better place to stay. I shall start by ensuring that the stories I do especially about Gender based violence are covered to the last detail and shall do follow up till justice is served. I shall no longer stop at covering or exposing an incident.