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Women visibility increases by 4% in Ugandan Media-Study
The study also realized a gender selective reporting where there is a relationship between the sex of the reporter and the proportion of female and male news subjects appearing in print news stories. Female reporters covered more female news subjects and quoted more females in their stories as opposed to the male reporters. In equal measure, male journalists gave more audience to male sources but also within talk shows of purely male presentation, women suffered a low engagement under similar likelihood.
The Pearl at 59, Happy Birthday Our Motherland!
In 1962, at such a time, the Union Jack was lowered as the beautiful red, black and yellow endeared flag to independence of Uganda was raised high. Indeed, Uganda had received its independence from the colonial rule of the British amidst loud merry and rays of hope for the future of the reborn nation.
Uganda Communications Commission Should Engage the Media on Gender Representation, Content
This is where Uganda Communications Commission-UCC comes in. The regulator needs to use its Content Committee, established under Section 14 of the UCC Act, 2013 to enforce fair gender representation and gender sensitive content.