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When Mama FM set its ball rolling in 2001, 16 presenters and producers were trained and recruited. This laid platform to other passionate individuals in the consequent years, among which was Kalanzi who has walked it all till to-date. As Mama FM marks 20 years of broadcasting, it celebrates and recognizes the service of Lawrence […]
The Symposium was made colorful by the dinner awarding ceremony of women media practitioners who have overtime done impactful and life changing works. These distinguished ladies in media were selected from academia, research, management, civil society, mentors, managers, researchers and trainers.
Women visibility increases by 4% in Ugandan Media-Study
The study also realized a gender selective reporting where there is a relationship between the sex of the reporter and the proportion of female and male news subjects appearing in print news stories. Female reporters covered more female news subjects and quoted more females in their stories as opposed to the male reporters. In equal measure, male journalists gave more audience to male sources but also within talk shows of purely male presentation, women suffered a low engagement under similar likelihood.